Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Does the US Torture Terrorists?

According to an article on titled, "Debate Rages Over Secret Justice Memo on Torture" Bush went beyond the realms of US policy in order to gain information from terrorists. In December 2004 a memo was publicly announced that rejected the use of torture in interrogations. Yet, the New York Times has reported that a secret Justice Department opinion in 2005 allowed the torture of terror detainees. The article goes on to say that the 2005 memo amounted to "an expansive endorsement of the harshest interrogation techniques ever used by the CIA." The CIA responds with "The CIA does not comment on specific interrogation methods."

It seems that the entire article is a circle of deception and hidden truths. The White House press secretary Dana Perino confirms the existence of the 2005 undisclosed memo, but then says "U.S. policy is not to torture--and we do not." Well, if Dana Perino says so we should believe it? It seems as if everyone is trying to make up for the fact that the Bush administration has done what they deemed necessary with no regard for human rights. There have been reports of torturous activities such as shaving off facial hair, freezing temperatures and simulated drowning.

I cannot say that our country should not do everything in its power to protect our nation and our citizens, but the truth cannot be denied. It makes you wonder if such blatant disregard of humanity could bleed into our U.S. justice system. I don't believe that George W. Bush is over the rights outlined in the Geneva Conventions. I feel safe that 2008 brings a much needed light at the end of a dark and seemingly torturous tunnel.

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