Wednesday, November 14, 2007

In response to Maintaining Freedoms' blog: "Not Protecting the Citizen."

"Not Protecting the Citizen" seems to lack any statistical facts or truths. It is seemingly a few discriminatory sentences slapped together to meet an assignment deadline. According to the definition of discrimination is: "To make a distinction in favor of or against a person or thing on the basis of the group, class, or category to which the person or thing belongs rather than according to actual merit." This blog approaches the issue of illegal immigration all wrong.

What research led to the fact that the illegal immigrants in the United Stated "...Rob the stores, banks, become gangsters, etc.?" Illegal immigrants in this nation do everything in their power to stay under the radar. In no way do they want to be arrested and sent back to Mexico, knowing that they would have to try to make it back to the Land of Opportunity a second time. According to Center for Immigration Studies "Researchers and observers, aware that widespread concern over crime committed by immigrants can boil over into hate crimes committed against them, rarely hesitate to note that the majority of immigrants are law-abiding. Often, they go further, adding that immigrants commit fewer crimes than the native-born."

Illegal immigrants work extremely hard for the money that they make. Yes, these illegal immigrants should be paying taxes on the income they are making, because they do utilize many government programs and benefits that other citizens use. These immigrants are paying taxes, if not income tax then sales tax. Although many "illegal immigrants" take over social security numbers and do pay income tax.

Hispanics/Latinos make up 14.8% of our nations’ population according to the 2006 U.S. Census Bureau. I don’t think that we are being pushed out by these immigrants, and I don’t think that this blog holds any truth.

View Maintaining Freedom's blog at: and my comment at

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